Free Self-Improvement Topics in Chicago

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  • The New American Dream

    Marcus Carter, Marcus Carter, Carter Property Solutions LLC

    This presentation spans the fabric of our most polarizing attitudes on health, family, wealth, career and romance. Learn to identify, compartmentalize and execute personal goals through a hands-on examination of the process of self-fulfillment.

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  • Tapping into your Superpowers Mindfulness and Meditation.

    Jacqueline McCarty, Owner Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, Om At Work

    Mindfulness can be practiced in any aspect and any task in your life! By remembering this tool of focus and awareness you can transform it into pure presence. Your awareness is currency, where your attention goes energy flows. Meditation is a training for your awareness and can have lasting effects on your brain and nervous system when practiced regularly. Learn these practices and transform your work and life. MORE >

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  • Childhood Grief

    Lydia Galan, Outreach Coordinator, Pillars Community Health

    Pillars Community Health is available to make presentations regarding childhood grief. Our Buddy's Place is a childhood bereavement program serves the western and southwestern suburbs of Chicago.

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  • Increasing Your Happiness!

    Bette Lawrence-Water, Founder and Principal Consultant, Spectrum Strategic Solutions

    Increasing one's happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one skill that this presenttion will touch on to teach participants how to be happier. Happiness can spread throughout an organization, and have a positive effect on everyone.
    During this interactive and energetic discussion participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their happiness. This 45-60 minute presentation will have a robust effect on their professional and personal lives, improve their communication skills, increase productivity, and lesson absenteeism. MORE >

    Presentation Objectives:
    •Discuss how planning ahead cultivates workplace happiness
    •Create a nightly routine and daily plan
    •Relate more effectively to others in the workplace
    •Understand how the workspace environment impacts happiness
    •Think more positively
    •Take actions that will create greater workplace happiness

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  • What’s the one thing you can’t buy? Time.

    Kimberly Kolb, Author & Speaker

    168. That’s how many hours are in a week. Do you use them wisely? Kimberly wrote a novel in a year while working and raising three kids in travel sports. She will show you how to find that kind of time for you. MORE >

    Kimberly is proud to be a part of Free Speakers since 2015, but will only present to not-for-profit groups.
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  • Speaking with Confidence in any Situation

    Suzanne M. Bracken, Managing Director, Ludicrous Theatre Company

    This lively presentation will address the causes of fear associated with speaking when we are not comfortable doing so. Learn how to make those butterflies in your stomach "fly in formation," so you can get your point across in a confident and effective manner.

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  • Communicate with Credibility

    Jeff Hornstein, President, The Speaker's Choice

    Perception is everything, especially when it comes to public speaking. Learn the secret to what audiences use as their “credibility meter” when they listen to you speak.

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  • Get Off Your Buts! How to Make Progress Instead of Excuses

    Tammy Cook, Productivity Coach, Tammy Cook Coaching

    “I was going to do that last week – but...” Are you tired of feeling like you’re always struggling to catch up, while you only wind up falling further and further behind? If you’re ready to start making small changes that will have a HUGE impact on your life, step up to the plate and… Get off your “but…”s! MORE >

    Tammy’s 3 easy-to-remember keys give you immediate, actionable tools to use to begin conquering procrastination and creating new habits.

    Tammy will share tools and techniques that will enable you to;
    • Increase personal productivity at work AND at home
    • Conquer procrastination
    • Reduce pressure & stress
    • Develop a highly effective mindset
    • Feel better mentally and physically
    • Have more energy
    • Increase self-discipline… AND self-esteem!
    • Have time left over for things you really WANT to do

    Discover how to live a limitless life and finally… FULFILL YOUR POTENTIAL!

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  • Where Are You Growing? Cultivating a Growth Mindset

    Susan Neustrom, Ed.D., Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker, Educator, Leading to Action

    Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? Your mindset determines your behavior and thoughts leading to your success, your performance and your impact on staff, co-workers, family, and friends. There are two mindsets, fixed and growth. If you have a fixed mindset you believe abilities and intelligence are determined early in life. Therefore, challenges and failure only serve to support your belief. In contrast, if you have a growth mindset you view challenges and obstacles as opportunities to develop skills and continue growing and learning. Most individuals exhibit a combination of a fixed and growth mindset but intentionally cultivating a growth mindset results in enhanced resilience, increased accomplishments and expanded potential. In an organization, a growth mindset leader creates a culture of innovation, risk-taking, teamwork, and trust enabling others to adopt a growth mindset. MORE >

    In this interactive session, Dr. Susan Neustrom explores how mindsets are formed and the dynamics and strategies involved in shifting mindset to optimize positive impact both personally and professionally. Using the theoretical framework of mindset, grit, and mental contrasting this session will engage participants in a new approach to decision-making, problem solving, teaching, and learning.
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  • The Comfort Zone Illusion-Solving the Mystery

    Susan Neustrom, Ed.D., Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker, Educator, Leading to Action

    Are you ready for change? Are you a leader embarking on change within your organization? Whether change is planned or unplanned, more than likely you and your team need to step outside your comfort zone and do something different. However, leaving your comfort zone is frightening and fear can stifle growth, halt progress, and negatively impact behavior making you feel as if you lost control, stuck, and not moving forward. When implementing transformational change in an organization leaders are challenged with getting everyone excited and motivated about new ways of working. Often times, leaders are met with resistance, complaints, and frustration because people are being asked to step outside their comfort zone. Change upsets routine and structure and opens the door allowing fear to enter and demonstrated in thoughts and action. Of course, it doesn’t need to be this way because the comfort zone is really an illusion. MORE >

    This presentation unravels the mystery of the comfort zone to expose the stark reality of the discomfort of change. Therefore, enabling leaders to discover why leaving your comfort zone is so difficult, what creates fear during times of change, and how to develop strategies for engagement and empowerment that eliminate the fear of leaving your comfort zone and to view change through a new lens.
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