Free Self-Improvement Topics in Chicago

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  • Increasing Your Happiness!

    Bette Lawrence-Water, Founder and Principal Consultant, Spectrum Strategic Solutions

    Increasing one's happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one skill that this presenttion will touch on to teach participants how to be happier. Happiness can spread throughout an organization, and have a positive effect on everyone.
    During this interactive and energetic discussion participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their happiness. This 45-60 minute presentation will have a robust effect on their professional and personal lives, improve their communication skills, increase productivity, and lesson absenteeism. MORE >

    Presentation Objectives:
    •Discuss how planning ahead cultivates workplace happiness
    •Create a nightly routine and daily plan
    •Relate more effectively to others in the workplace
    •Understand how the workspace environment impacts happiness
    •Think more positively
    •Take actions that will create greater workplace happiness

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  • No Impossible

    Hajer Rikabi, President and Founder, Thrive Coaching CORP

    There is nothing called I can't, we all have different and unique powers within us. If we can create a small chance to know ourselves better, we would see that power clearly like a full moon in a clear night. Then we can make it the source of our future's achievements. In fact every achievement in our lives is from that invisible power. And without a doubt knowing it and learn how to use this power will have a successful impact in our lives. MORE >

    For instance let me ask you:
    How many times you were surprised by the action you took and thought for a moment that nothing is impossible? I guarantee for you that you had a few if not many. Because It is the power of trying to live and staying safe, and you can change that perspective to make a better life and your dreams to come true.

    *Example of powerful decisions:

    - Taking a risk because it's the best though right now to your best knowledge, even though it may have consequences.
    - A decision you took that you have never thought about but the urge of staying safe or forbidding a harm to you or your beloved ones.

    BIG Q : Why when it comes to a good decision to make your life better you hesitate?
    This possible decision doesn't have to be for urgency or just to survive. Instead think of it like it might be your only decision you have to make to be the person you wish to be in your mind and dreams.

    For me It took me 24 hours to take the decision that turned my life 360 degree. When was my first thought about this decision? At 12:00 AM believe it or not. Searched about this idea I had and asked myself what do I have to make it work, honestly I thought I had nothing. But I know I learn fast and I'm willing to make it work. And I did it I was a completely different person.From house wife and people pleaser to self love and I'm working to create a new awareness in my community and nation to enjoy my life and to leave wiser generation behind me.

    Ask yourself: What's stopping me from being the person that I want to be?
    What I want to add to this world? and if so,
    What are my possibilities?
    Cause you have some...............

    لايوجد شي اسمه لا استطيع, كلنا نملك قوى مختلفةوفريدة من نوعها موجودة بداخلنا.
    لو استطعنا خلق فرصة صغيرة لنتعرف بها على انفسنا بطريقة افضل , فقط حينها نستطيع ان نرى القوة الداخلية خاصتنا بوضوح كما يرى القمر في ليلة صافية.
    ومن هنا نستطيع ان نجعل هذه القوة مصدرا للنجاح . وفي الواقع كل نجاح في حياتنا كبير كان ام صغير هو من هذه القوة الخفية. ومن دون شك معرفتها والتعلم كيفية استخدامها سيؤدي الى تاثير ناجح في حياتنا.

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  • Organizing Your Home and Office

    Vicki Burger, Owner, SPIFF...Downsize | Organize | Move

    In this workshop we will have fun designing each participant's "organizing makeover". We review a simple process for classifying, sorting and reducing "stuff". Next we will discuss how to determine the best organizing system to support the way your work. Finally, we will discuss the best ways to make the time to maintain your system and continually improve it. MORE >

    Organizing is not a "one size fits all" process. Each of us work in different ways. Our systems for organizing need to reflect these differences to be effective and sustainable. Throughout this workshop many of my usefull "tips of the organizing trade" will be shared.

    I integrate case studies and humor into my presentations to engage audiences. I look forward to talking with you to discuss how this workshop can be customized for your group.

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  • Break Free: Create a Post-Career Life of Purpose and Passion

    Jerilyn Willin, Principal, JWillin Consulting, Ltd.

    Ten thousand Boomers retire every day and for most, there is not a rocking chair in sight! Instead of the end to an active life, retirement can be the start of a whole new journey. Investigate: 1.) the non-financial aspects of post-career life, 2.) Discover who you are apart from your work, 3.) Begin to map out what your significant life post-career will look like! MORE >

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  • The Comfort Zone Illusion-Solving the Mystery

    Susan Neustrom, Ed.D., Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker, Educator, Leading to Action

    Are you ready for change? Are you a leader embarking on change within your organization? Whether change is planned or unplanned, more than likely you and your team need to step outside your comfort zone and do something different. However, leaving your comfort zone is frightening and fear can stifle growth, halt progress, and negatively impact behavior making you feel as if you lost control, stuck, and not moving forward. When implementing transformational change in an organization leaders are challenged with getting everyone excited and motivated about new ways of working. Often times, leaders are met with resistance, complaints, and frustration because people are being asked to step outside their comfort zone. Change upsets routine and structure and opens the door allowing fear to enter and demonstrated in thoughts and action. Of course, it doesn’t need to be this way because the comfort zone is really an illusion. MORE >

    This presentation unravels the mystery of the comfort zone to expose the stark reality of the discomfort of change. Therefore, enabling leaders to discover why leaving your comfort zone is so difficult, what creates fear during times of change, and how to develop strategies for engagement and empowerment that eliminate the fear of leaving your comfort zone and to view change through a new lens.
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  • Navigating Life’s Curves ad Corners: Managing Change at Work, At Home and In-Between

    Jerilyn Willin, Principal, JWillin Consulting, Ltd.

    Career transition, new technology, a new life matter what your age, situation or outlook, you've been touched by change. How can dealing with life's changes be less chaotic? What can you do to help yourself and others deal better with change? MORE >

    Take positive steps to help others and yourself navigate through the rough patches in life at work and at home. Come: 1.) Explore the phases of change everyone experiences, 2.) Learn and share ideas/techniques to effectively deal with change, and 3.) Chart next steps to help you move forward through and to your new normal.
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  • The New American Dream

    Marcus Carter, Marcus Carter, Carter Property Solutions LLC

    This presentation spans the fabric of our most polarizing attitudes on health, family, wealth, career and romance. Learn to identify, compartmentalize and execute personal goals through a hands-on examination of the process of self-fulfillment.

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  • Interpersonal Skills

    Bette Lawrence-Water, Founder and Principal Consultant, Spectrum Strategic Solutions

    We've all met that dynamic, charismatic person that just has a way with others, and has a way of being remembered. Participants will identify ways of creating a powerful introduction, remembering names, and managing situations when you’ve forgotten someone’s name.
    The Interpersonal Skills discussion will help participants work towards being that unforgettable person by providing communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations. Bette will help audience to identify skills needed in starting a conversation, moving a conversation along, and progressing to higher levels of conversation. MORE >

    Discussion Objectives:
    • Understand the difference between hearing and listening
    • Know some ways to improve the verbal skills of asking questions and communicating with power.
    • Understand what is ‘non-verbal communication’ and how it can enhance interpersonal relationships.
    • Identify the skills needed in starting a conversation.
    • Identify ways of creating a powerful introduction, remembering names, and managing situations when you’ve forgotten someone’s name.
    • Understand how seeing the other side can improve skills in influencing other people.
    • Understand how the use of facts and emotions can help bring people to your side.
    • Identify ways of sharing one’s opinions constructively.
    • Learn tips in preparing for a negotiation, opening a negotiation, bargaining, and closing a negotiation.
    • Learn tips in making an impact through powerful first impressions.
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  • Get Off Your Buts! How to Make Progress Instead of Excuses

    Tammy Cook, Productivity Coach, Tammy Cook Coaching

    “I was going to do that last week – but...” Are you tired of feeling like you’re always struggling to catch up, while you only wind up falling further and further behind? If you’re ready to start making small changes that will have a HUGE impact on your life, step up to the plate and… Get off your “but…”s! MORE >

    Tammy’s 3 easy-to-remember keys give you immediate, actionable tools to use to begin conquering procrastination and creating new habits.

    Tammy will share tools and techniques that will enable you to;
    • Increase personal productivity at work AND at home
    • Conquer procrastination
    • Reduce pressure & stress
    • Develop a highly effective mindset
    • Feel better mentally and physically
    • Have more energy
    • Increase self-discipline… AND self-esteem!
    • Have time left over for things you really WANT to do

    Discover how to live a limitless life and finally… FULFILL YOUR POTENTIAL!

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  • The Act of Forgiveness: Learning How to Forgive

    Eileen Timmins, Ph.D, Founder, Aingilin

    The ability to forgive allows one to live in harmony. There are 3 types of forgiveness: for yourself, for those you’ve harmed and for those that have harmed you. By releasing the initial harm and the energy you’ve used to hold on to it, you clear your present and future, and move forward.

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