Free Self-Improvement Topics in Chicago

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  • Why Settle For Less?

    Robb Hill, Founder/President, R Hill Enterprises Inc

    Why Settle For Less, When You Can Be The Best? Many people settle for far less than they can have or achieve. Complacency becomes their biggest enemy, as disappointment becomes the norm. Knowledge is not power, APPLIED knowledge is power, and learning this application, can change the life out come. MORE >

    Financial advisor, author and inspirational speaker, Robb Hill has for over 18 years helped people not only put their financial house in order, and reorder their thinking processes for a better life outcome. His powerful lectures on basic financial planning, corporate communication and personal development are revolutionizing the way people look at their lives, their choices, and their futures.
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  • Running, it seems that now days people are either running towards some thing or away from it.

    Adam Johnson, Dynamic Life Strategist, Asjohnson Agency

    I am a recovering runner—not in the athletic sense, but in the race of life. For years, I ran toward success, love, and new opportunities while also running from my past, my fears, and even myself. I chased achievements in real estate, trucking, Insurance, and supply chain distribution, but true fulfillment only came when I stopped running and embraced my purpose. MORE >

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  • Own Your Yes & Your NO

    Claudia Braun, Holistic Mindset & Lifestyle Coach, Claudia Braun Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

    In this busy complicated world with so much going on it’s easy to feel pulled by guilt and obligation and find there’s no time to take care of you. When you're the go to person it's easy to secretly resent others not being there for you. Even though you've pride in being able to do it all, it starts to come at a price... MORE >

    • Not remembering what fun, play or joy feel like.
    • Struggle taking time for you, without feeling guilty.
    • Notice your health being compromised.

    During this workshop, you'll uncover thinking holding you back and you'll learn a daily practice to bring back inner peace and be reminded of another way of doing things that offers you greater well-being.

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  • Self-Improvement

    Hajer Rikabi, President and Founder, Thrive Coaching CORP

    As a human I can't imagine life without the self-improvement. Self improvement is a human nature since ever, it's overlapping in every aspect in our lives. From the basics of the life like the way we talk, walk, eat and deal to the life improvement level education, goals, relationships. MORE >

    Self improvement is the way of wanting things, people and life to be better in every way we can control. It is the learning to new things to add to our life's basket. The basket that we have to take a look at once in a while to decide it's time to clean, and when cleaning happens we are freeing space to add new things to go well in our life right now in this stage.

    As to my basket it took me a while to see and another while to understand that I need to clean it. When I found that basket It was heavy and big like I was dragging a big tent behind me, and because of it's heavy wight sometimes I just sit by it and cry. After I was done with the crying that happened many many times, I decided to take a look at it from a curious mind, just like a child when exploring the kitchen.

    That's not mine, and that , and that, long pause and realized nothing in there belong to me. So I decided to place everything where it belong and to whom, learned about myself and what I like. Like I am a whole new person and found my way to improve myself to what I value and what really belong to me.

    SOO What's in your basket?

    انا لا استطيع ان اتخيل الحياة من دون تطوير ذاتي. التطوير الذاتي هو طبيعة بشرية منذ الازل. وهو متداخل في كل جانب من جوانب حياتنا. من الاساسيات مثلا كيف نتكلم , نمشي , ناكل ونتعامل الى مستوى التطوير الحياتي كمثال التعليم, اهداف وعلاقات. التطوير الذاتي هو الحاجة التي نسعى بها لتطوير الاشياء , الناس والحياة ليكونوا بافضل نسخ وكل شي نستطيع التحكم به. التطوير الذاتي هو تعلم كل شي جديد لاضافته لسلة الحياة. وهي السلة التي يجب علينا ان نلقي نضرة عليها بين الحين والاخر لنقرر انه وقت التنظيف. وعندما يحين وقت التنظيف فنحن نسمح بافراغ مساحة لاضافة اشياء جديدة تتماشى مع حياتنا الان وفي هذه المرحلة.

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  • Reducing Deadly School Violence

    Kasia Wereszczynska, Clinical Director / Executive Director, Counseling Speaks / In Her Shoes Foundation

    Learn from Kasia Wereszczynska about reducing deadly school violence in a thought provoking presentation that focuses on prevention through understanding behavioral health.

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  • Declutter, Downsize and Organize Your Stuff!

    Vicki Burger, Owner, SPIFF...Downsize | Organize | Move

    This workshop will help you determine what goes and what stays. We also discuss specific resources for finding new "homes" for unwanted items, including donating, selling or disposing. Participants comment that they leave my presentation with a better idea of the financial and emotional advantages of "decluttering and downsizing", as well as ideas for approaching loved ones that they are may be assisting with the process. MORE >

    Why would you want to "declutter and downsize"?
    - Sell a home more quickly
    - Reduce the cost of your move (by moving less stuff)!
    - Prepare to move to a smaller home
    - Begin distributing your memories and keepsakes “your way”
    - Maintain a safer more efficient home -"aging in place".
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  • Career and Job Search Strategies

    Sander Marcus, Ph.D., Practice Leader, IIT Center for Research & Service

    "What am I going to do when I grow up?" is a question we hear from people of all ages. The strategy for getting a job (interviewing, resumes, etc.) is always an important topic. Sander will provide an overview or address specific topics.

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  • Get (and Stay) Organized

    Erin J. Kelly, Professional Organizer, Arranged By Erin

    Learn how to live a simple and organized life. Whether it’s your home or office, Erin explains the tools to help you be more productive and save time. Erin has given speeches all over Chicago including corporations, ADD support groups, and libraries.

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  • Discover What’s Really Wrong In Your Life And How To Fix It!

    Diane Moca, Child Care Benefits Expert / Working Mother / Television Personality, MomSub

    For years, my vision for my life was to HAVE IT ALL -- manage kids, spouse and work successfully. But the harder I tried to accomplish that, the less fulfilled, happy and healthy I felt. I was unaware that I was neglecting a critical component in life that didn't seem important but was eating away at my sanity. By sharing my story and what I did to turn my life around, your group will learn the four main categories and six key areas in life that we must all nurture, and audience members will engage in an interactive session to help each person discover which component they need to fix and the steps to bring their life into balance. MORE >

    My presentation begins with the emotional journey that allowed me to develop my Goal Awareness and Achievement Formula. I explain how drastically life changed when there were so many demands on my time that I felt out of control and in a constant state of frenzy. After having two kids, working as a journalist and developing my own real estate business, I began to feel frustrated and overwhelmed every day. I was having chest pains and yelling at my kids and husband all the time. I realized I had to change my way of thinking or risk continued erosion of my physical and mental health. I began listening to dozens of audiobooks on productivity, passion and joy. I followed the guidance and insights of these authors. Through overcoming denial, becoming aware of what was really wrong, ending the cycle of blaming others, taking on personal accountability for my situation, putting in the hard work of changing my attitudes and habits, and maintaining patience throughout the process, I drastically improved my life.

    I'm now accomplishing more than ever in pursuits that are meaningful, and I have control over my schedule to be able to spend quality time with my family. I am on a mission to help others do the same.

    Many professionals feel we are pulled in too many directions and don't know how to meet the high standards of our bosses, our family, our friends and ourselves. I have discovered some of the secrets for making it all work through books, courses, coaches and interviews with successful professionals. I’ve spent more than a decade of my life studying how to do it all – taking in hundreds of articles about raising happy and healthy kids, about striving for career aspirations and running a successful business, about keeping a marriage fresh and lively yet deeply meaningful and long-lasting. At this point in life I have turned my study to the real-life heroes living their dreams and discovered what they went through to manage everything -- career, kids, spouse, home, health, fitness, style, finances, spirituality, growth, and purpose.

    As a result of interviewing working moms for my Working Mom Warrior YouTube channel, I now have a greater understanding of the motivation that can enrich women’s lives every day. I am creating a community of working moms who share and prop each other up, instead of competing. I am offering their insights and the lessons of my own transformation to groups who would benefit by hearing specific details showcasing how anyone can mold their life to feel invigorated and successful on a daily basis.

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  • Organizing Your Home and Office

    Vicki Burger, Owner, SPIFF...Downsize | Organize | Move

    In this workshop we will have fun designing each participant's "organizing makeover". We review a simple process for classifying, sorting and reducing "stuff". Next we will discuss how to determine the best organizing system to support the way your work. Finally, we will discuss the best ways to make the time to maintain your system and continually improve it. MORE >

    Organizing is not a "one size fits all" process. Each of us work in different ways. Our systems for organizing need to reflect these differences to be effective and sustainable. Throughout this workshop many of my usefull "tips of the organizing trade" will be shared.

    I integrate case studies and humor into my presentations to engage audiences. I look forward to talking with you to discuss how this workshop can be customized for your group.

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