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  • No Impossible

    Hajer Rikabi, President and Founder, Thrive Coaching CORP

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    There is nothing called I can't, we all have different and unique powers within us. If we can create a small chance to know ourselves better, we would see that power clearly like a full moon in a clear night. Then we can make it the source of our future's achievements. In fact every achievement in our lives is from that invisible power. And without a doubt knowing it and learn how to use this power will have a successful impact in our lives. MORE >

    For instance let me ask you:
    How many times you were surprised by the action you took and thought for a moment that nothing is impossible? I guarantee for you that you had a few if not many. Because It is the power of trying to live and staying safe, and you can change that perspective to make a better life and your dreams to come true.

    *Example of powerful decisions:

    -Taking a risk because it's the best though right now to your best knowledge, even though it may have consequences.
    -A decision you took that you have never thought about but the urge of staying safe or forbidding a harm to you or your beloved ones.

    BIG Q : Why when it comes to a good decision to make your life better you hesitate?
    This possible decision doesn't have to be for urgency or just to survive. Instead think of it like it might be your only decision you have to make to be the person you wish to be in your mind and dreams.

    For me It took me 24 hours to take the decision that turned my life 360 degree.
    When was my first thought about this decision? At 12:00 AM believe it or not.
    Searched about this idea I had and asked myself what do I have to make it work, honestly I thought I had nothing.
    But I know I learn fast and I'm willing to make it work.
    And I did it I was a completely different person.From house wife and people pleaser to self love and I'm working to create a new awareness in my community and nation to enjoy my life and to leave wiser generation behind me.

    Ask yourself: What's stopping me from being the person that I want to be?
    What I want to add to this world? and if so,
    What are my possibilities?
    Cause you have some...............

    لايوجد شي اسمه لا استطيع, كلنا نملك قوى مختلفةوفريدة من نوعها موجودة بداخلنا.
    لو استطعنا خلق فرصة صغيرة لنتعرف بها على انفسنا بطريقة افضل , فقط حينها نستطيع ان نرى القوة الداخلية خاصتنا بوضوح كما يرى القمر في ليلة صافية.
    ومن هنا نستطيع ان نجعل هذه القوة مصدرا للنجاح . وفي الواقع كل نجاح في حياتنا كبير كان ام صغير هو من هذه القوة الخفية. ومن دون شك معرفتها والتعلم كيفية استخدامها سيؤدي الى تاثير ناجح في حياتنا.

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  • Self-Improvement

    Hajer Rikabi, President and Founder, Thrive Coaching CORP

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self-Improvement

    As a human I can't imagine life without the self-improvement. Self improvement is a human nature since ever, it's overlapping in every aspect in our lives. From the basics of the life like the way we talk, walk, eat and deal to the life improvement level education, goals, relationships.
    Self improvement is the way of wanting things, people and life to be better in every way we can control. It is the learning to new things to add to our life's basket. The basket that we have to take a look at once in a while to decide it's time to clean, and when cleaning happens we are freeing space to add new things to go well in our life right now in this stage.
    As to my basket it took me a while to see and another while to understand that I need to clean it. When I found that basket It was heavy and big like I was dragging a big tent behind me, and because of it's heavy wight sometimes I just sit by it and cry. After I was done with the crying that happened many many times, I decided to take a look at it from a curious mind, just like a child when exploring the kitchen.
    That's not mine, and that , and that, long pause and realized nothing in there belong to me.
    So I decided to place everything where it belong and to whom, learned about myself and what I like.
    Like I am a whole new person and found my way to improve myself to what I value and what really belong to me. MORE >

    SOO What's in your basket?

    انا لا استطيع ان اتخيل الحياة من دون تطوير ذاتي. التطوير الذاتي هو طبيعة بشرية منذ الازل. وهو متداخل في كل جانب من جوانب حياتنا. من الاساسيات مثلا كيف نتكلم , نمشي , ناكل ونتعامل الى مستوى التطوير الحياتي كمثال التعليم, اهداف وعلاقات. التطوير الذاتي هو الحاجة التي نسعى بها لتطوير الاشياء , الناس والحياة ليكونوا بافضل نسخ وكل شي نستطيع التحكم به. التطوير الذاتي هو تعلم كل شي جديد لاضافته لسلة الحياة. وهي السلة التي يجب علينا ان نلقي نضرة عليها بين الحين والاخر لنقرر انه وقت التنظيف. وعندما يحين وقت التنظيف فنحن نسمح بافراغ مساحة لاضافة اشياء جديدة تتماشى مع حياتنا الان وفي هذه المرحلة.

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  • The Shifting Balance: Supreme Court Rulings and Their Impact on American Democracy

    Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    The US Supreme Court is not just ensuring the laws are applied properly, and that they are constitutional, but the court is enacting policies they think are useful for our country - whether they are based on our constitution or not. MORE >

    Presidential Immunity and Accountability: One of the most consequential rulings was the Court's decision on presidential immunity. In a 6-3 judgment, the Court ruled that former President Donald Trump could be tried for actions taken as a candidate, but not for those taken while in office.

    Federal Regulatory Authority: In another significant ruling, the Court limited the regulatory authority of federal agencies. By overturning a precedent that had guided federal regulations for decades, the Court has made it easier for regulations to be challenged in court.

    Gun Control and the Second Amendment: The Supreme Court also made headlines with its decision to send several gun control cases back to lower courts for reconsideration. This move followed a major ruling that expanded Second Amendment rights, allowing for broader interpretations of gun ownership and use.

    Implications for American Democracy: These rulings collectively reflect a shift towards a more conservative interpretation of the law. The impact on American democracy is profound; will undoubtedly shape the future of American democracy for years to come.

    This presentation details the problems that SCOTUS is causing for our nation, and discusses what we can do about it.

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  • Unified Leadership Mindset: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

    Margaret van Steenderen, Founder / Lead Development Coach, SLGM LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    The "Unified Leadership Mindset: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities" talk introduces a new way of thinking about leadership. This mindset focuses on long-term success, ethical decision-making, and continuous improvement. You'll learn how to plan for the future, take care of your team's well-being, use resources wisely, and make fair decisions that benefit everyone. MORE >

    This talk also covers how to think and act like a leader. You’ll explore self-reflection, setting clear goals, and building strong relationships with your team. Additionally, you'll discover the importance of a growth mindset, which is all about embracing challenges, learning from setbacks, and constantly improving. By combining these ideas, you'll develop a leadership mindset that helps you lead effectively and make a positive impact on your team and organization.
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  • The Fire Triangle: Fueling Your Future with Motivation, Goals, and Support

    Margaret van Steenderen, Founder / Lead Development Coach, SLGM LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    In "The Fire Triangle: Fueling Your Future with Motivation, Goals, and Support," you'll learn a simple yet powerful approach to achieving your personal and professional goals. The Fire Triangle consists of three essential elements: Heat (Motivation), Fuel (Clear Goals), and Oxygen (Supportive Environment). By using practical tools to discover your inner motivation, you'll be able to set clear, actionable goals that drive you forward. MORE >

    Creating the right support network is key to maintaining momentum and achieving lasting success. This talk will show you how to build a positive environment with mentors, supportive peers, and helpful resources. You'll gain practical tips to stay focused and motivated, such as joining professional groups and creating a productive workspace. By understanding and applying the principles of the Fire Triangle, you’ll be well-equipped to achieve your goals and fuel your future.
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  • Immigration and our economy

    Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    There's a lot of discussion about immigration - legal and otherwise - since our two major parties have very different plans in this area. This presentation focuses on the economic impact of foreign-born workers - whether they are a net positive or a net negative for our economy, how they interact with programs like Social Security, etc. MORE >

    The discussion makes the point that immigrant workers are a critical component of our strong ecomony, and we should welcome them for that reason.
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  • You don’t have to be beaten black and blue to be a victim of Domestic Violence!

    Quanna Brown, Speak up Somebody Listening

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    Domestic violence is a complex issue that can manifest in various forms, often leaving victims unaware of their situation. Personally, I have endured years of physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual, and financial abuse from those who were supposed to care for me. Many fail to recognize non-physical forms of abuse, assuming that visible bruises are the only indicator. It is crucial to educate everyone, regardless of age, gender, or relationship status, about the different facets of domestic violence. Despite the hardships I have faced, I refuse to let my past define me. I am a survivor, a warrior, and I am determined to share my truth and my story with others. MORE >
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  • My Plastic Surgery Experience, A TALE OF TRAUMA UNFOLD!

    Quanna Brown, Speak up Somebody Listening

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    Join me for an insightful session of storytime and Q&A, where I will bravely share my personal journey through a traumatic plastic surgery experience. This event promises to be both enlightening and engaging, offering a unique opportunity to learn from my story and engage in thoughtful dialogue. Your presence would be greatly appreciated as we explore the complexities and lessons that arise from such experiences. MORE >

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  • Border Patrol: Keeping Your Sanity with Clear Boundaries

    Marie Genevieve Pawlak, CEO, Prime Alchemy a division of Planning101 Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Ever felt like you're walking a tightrope between what's expected, what's communicated, and where the lines are drawn? You're not alone! Dive into an exhilarating journey with us as we unravel the art of juggling expectations, mastering the craft of crystal-clear communication, and drawing boundaries that everyone respects (and maybe even appreciates!). MORE >

    We’re here to share game-changing strategies and insights in a world where the only constant is change, and the lines often seem more like squiggles. Join us for a session that promises not just lightbulb moments but fireworks! Expect to laugh, nod in agreement, and maybe even facepalm as we explore the often comical, sometimes challenging, but always crucial world of expectations, communication, and boundaries.
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  • The Case for Kindness: Leadership’s Secret Ingredient to Success

    Marie Genevieve Pawlak, CEO, Prime Alchemy a division of Planning101 Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self-Improvement

    What if kindness were put on trial? In today's fast-paced world, does it really pay to be kind in leadership? How does kindness contribute to success and organizational health? MORE >

    In this insightful and humorous talk, we’ll explore what it truly means to be kind and how kindness can transform your leadership approach. We’ll delve into the tangible benefits of kindness, debunk myths, and highlight real-world examples of kind leadership driving success.

    Join us to learn:

    The compelling case for kindness in leadership: why it matters and how it pays off.
    How kindness can enhance team dynamics, boost morale, and improve productivity.
    Practical strategies to incorporate kindness into your leadership style without compromising on results.
    Stories of leaders who have harnessed the power of kindness to achieve remarkable outcomes.
    By the end of this session, you’ll understand why kindness is not just a nice-to-have but a must-have in today’s competitive business environment. You’ll leave with actionable insights to infuse kindness into your leadership and create a more positive, productive workplace.

    Discover how being kind can be your secret ingredient to lasting success!

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