Rosie Zilinskas

Founder & CEO, No Woman Left Behind

Free Motivational Speaker in Chicago

  • Unlock The Leader Within ~ Conquering 3 Saboteurs to Dramatically Advance Your Career

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    Are you ready to stop holding yourself back? In this empowering keynote, Rosie Zilinskas reveals how three hidden saboteurs are keeping women from advancing in their careers. Without realizing it, women often allow self-doubt, a fixed mindset, and lack of strategic planning to block their path to leadership. Rosie shares practical strategies to overcome these barriers, boost your confidence, and take control of your career trajectory. MORE >

    Who Should Attend:

    ~Women in the early to mid-career stage who feel stuck in their corporate journey.
    ~College graduates preparing to enter the workforce and seeking strategies for advancement.
    ~Female managers and executives eager to support the career growth of their teams

    Learning Outcomes for Attendees:

    ~Identify and conquer the 3 saboteurs holding you back from leadership roles.
    ~Understand the unspoken reasons you’re being overlooked for promotions.
    ~Gain tools to take charge of your career and drive your own advancement.
    ~Learn why doing all the “right things” doesn’t guarantee success—and how to shift that.
    ~Eliminate self-doubt and step forward with confidence into your next career move.

    Request This Free Speech
  • Mastering Modern Resumes: Winning Strategies and Trends for Job Optimization

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    In today’s fast-paced job market, your resume is often the key to landing your next big opportunity. However, many professionals struggle to create resumes that truly showcase their value. In Mastering Modern Resumes, Rosie Zilinskas presents the essential strategies to craft a resume that not only passes through applicant tracking systems (ATS) but also catches the attention of hiring managers. MORE >

    In this presentation, Rosie will guide your audience through the critical components of a modern resume, how to tailor it to specific roles, and how to ensure it reflects the most current trends in job search strategies. Attendees will learn practical tips on organizing their experience, leveraging key achievements, and positioning themselves for success in today’s competitive marketplace.

    This is for:

    ~Professionals looking to advance in their careers with a standout resume.
    ~Job seekers eager to learn the latest resume techniques and trends.
    ~Anyone preparing to transition roles and improve their resume for better visibility.

    Learning Outcomes for Attendees:

    ~Create an ATS-friendly resume: Learn how to optimize your resume to pass automated tracking systems while highlighting your strongest accomplishments.
    ~Tailor your resume for specific roles: Gain insight into customizing your resume to align with the skills and experience recruiters are looking for.
    ~Stay relevant in a digital job market: Understand how to incorporate the latest trends and technologies to keep your resume fresh and impactful.
    ~Showcase measurable achievements: Learn how to present your experience in a way that stands out and demonstrates clear value to employers.

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  • Career Compass: Liberating Corporate Superheroes, No Cape Required

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Every organization has high-potential employees—corporate superheroes waiting for an opportunity to rise to leadership. Yet, many remain unnoticed and unengaged, leaving companies struggling with turnover and leadership gaps. In Career Compass – Liberating Corporate Superheroes, No Cape Required, Rosie Zilinskas introduces companies to the key strategies necessary to identify, engage, and develop their future leaders. MORE >

    In this keynote, Rosie will guide your team through the foundational principles that organizations can adopt to create a culture of growth, retention, and leadership development. Learn how to set clear career paths, nurture a growth mindset, and foster a structured environment where employees are empowered to step into leadership roles—without needing a cape.

    This is for:

    ~Corporate executives seeking to reduce turnover by creating clear pathways to leadership.
    ~HR and talent development teams looking for actionable strategies to foster employee engagement and career growth.
    ~Leaders aiming to build a sustainable leadership pipeline and retain high-potential employees.

    Learning Outcomes for Attendees:

    ~Understand the power of Custom Career Roadmaps: Learn how to provide employees with actionable career plans that align with company goals and secure long-term retention.
    ~Create a growth-driven culture: Discover how promoting a growth mindset can lead to higher employee engagement, innovation, and leadership readiness.
    ~Boost leadership pipeline development: Gain insights on building a strong leadership pipeline through tailored succession planning strategies.
    ~Address disengagement and turnover: Identify the warning signs of disengagement and explore effective ways to keep top talent motivated and invested in your organization.
    ~Inspire internal leadership: Understand the steps to cultivate internal leaders by providing clear growth opportunities and removing obstacles to advancement.

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  • “Rosie Zilinskas is a dynamic, impactful speaker who argues with passion the importance of women fighting for advancement in their workplace. Citing industry trends and personal experience, Zilinskas presentation encouraged professional women to reach beyond their grasp and had the data to back up the reason for taking the leap.

    One of our best attended breakout sessions, attendees included prominent women from local businesses and public-facing roles who sought out her presentation in a standing-room-only crowd. Interactive and compelling, Zilinskas left the crowd feeling energized and abuzz with possibilities. We would absolutely welcome Zilinskas back to speak at another seminar in the future!”

    Andrew W.