Free Health & Fitness Topics in Chicago

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  • Start On The Road To Better Health!

    Scott Cabrera, DC, Clinic Director, Higgins Sports & Spinal Rehab, SC

    Hit the ground running on your way to better health. This entertaining presentation will give you simple and valuable techniques designed for you to reach your optimal level of health.

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  • Hey, Stop drinking that stuff ! Think about what you drink !

    Jim Rabb, Synergy Science

    Discover why most of the water and beverages we drink can actually have detrimental effects to our health. This eye opening presentation will have you, "thinking about what you're drinking". Once you understand the science behind the liquids we drink daily, you will change the way you look at what you use to hydrate and energize your body with. Learn the simple natural steps that could lead to relief for many health challenges including; Type 2 Diabetes, Acid-Reflux, High-Blood-Presure, Weight-Gain, Elevated Cholesterol, and even Low Energy. MORE >

    Consider the following:
    * 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated
    * 37% mistake thirst for hunger pangs
    * Staying properly hydrated can reduce back and joint pain
    * A lack of water is a leading cause of fatigue

    Your group will hear about the importance of consuming hydrogen enriched water to naturally address many health issues.

    Find out why many well know pro athletes have made this water the water of choice and no longer consume sports drinks, tap and even bottled waters.

    Free samples will be made available to your members.

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  • Optimal Performance

    Dr. Frank Sassetti, PsyD, CPT

    Dr, Sassetti has created a curriculum of how to be at your best to do your best. By creating a healthy body along with a focused and resilient mind, anyone can position him/herself to perform at optimal levels, no matter what the endeavor. Any audience will learn the importance of the relationship between the body and mind and how a this relationship forms the foundation for optimal performance/success. Participants will learn practical tools to implement immediately to being on their path to optimal performance. MORE >

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  • Senior Living Myths Unmasked

    Andrea Donovan, President, Andrea Donovan Senior Living Advisors

    Having toured more than 450 senior communities, Andrea offers advice about what to look for when searching for alternative living for a senior. Her researched facts will demystify the myths.

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  • Stress – How to Minimize Its Impact on Your Health

    Scott Cabrera, DC, Clinic Director, Higgins Sports & Spinal Rehab, SC

    With the demands of work and family combined with a lackluster economy, people need to know how to minimize the physical effects of stress. This engaging seminar presents simple and healthy ways to deal with stress.

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  • How Antioxidants can Lead You to a Higher Quality of Life.

    Gregg S. Kuhnen, Health Consultant, Circle of Well Being, Inc.

    Learn about the way food works to give the body what it needs to keep it healthy, shown from a raw food chef perspective with research to back it all up.

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  • How to Set Boundaries for Better Self-Worth, Well-Being and Work-Life Balance

    Ron Martin, Principal, Founder, Executive Coach, Ocean Park Strategic Advisors

    Ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or drained by others' expectations or behaviors? Wondering how to establish boundaries that preserve your well-being while maintaining healthy relationships? Look no further. As a seasoned speaker and expert in personal boundary setting, I'll share insights that will help you navigate life's complexities with confidence. MORE >

    In today's fast-paced, hectic world, establishing and maintaining personal boundaries is crucial for navigating both professional environments and personal relationships. My approach to personal boundary setting is grounded in understanding the fundamental importance of boundaries in fostering healthy interactions and maintaining self-respect. In my sessions, I offer practical tips and guidance to help you begin to define boundaries that align with your values.

    Using a structured approach, I introduce participants to a structured approach to boundary setting. We delve into triggers, values, needs, and desires, while also addressing internal barriers and obstacles that may hinder boundary establishment. By incorporating techniques from different disciplines, participants will be introduced to practical skills that can lead to an improved ability to confidently assert their boundaries in various situations.

    Throughout the journey, emphasis is placed on self-awareness, self-validation, and self-compassion. Celebrating successes and making adjustments along the way are integral parts of the process, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.
    Ultimately, my goal is to empower individuals to set and maintain boundaries that honor their own needs and desires while fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships in both their professional and personal lives. By introducing you to practical tools and compassionate support, I help individuals cultivate a life filled with authenticity, confidence, and meaningful connections.

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  • Protected: Taoist Tai Chi Demo

    Stella "Sally" Bryant, Instructor, Taoist Tai Chi Society

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  • Home Access for Everyone

    Lea Ann Skogsberg, Founder, Dollars and Sense

    The number one desire of people as we age is to remain in our own homes. Yet many of us are one mobility impairment away from not even being able to enter or exit our homes. This challenge for society will continue to grow as Baby Boomers age. Most needs are short-term yet most commercial answers require permanent changes to a property making them undesirable to homeowners and impossible for renters. MORE >

    There is a community-based solution to address this growing need to make home accessibility affordable for everyone. If you ever carried anyone into your home for a Holiday meal or experienced even "minor" surgery that affected mobility, you'll know why this is such an important topic.

    Ramps provide access for people with both temporary and long-term mobility issues. Yet while Medicare and Medicaid as well as private insurance programs underwrite the wheelchairs, walkers and assistive devices individuals require for mobility—except in some cases for veterans—there is no standard way to acquire and/or pay for the ramps. This concept, a community-based inventory of modular ramps, seeks to establish a pilot project to demonstrate the value of borrowing (rather than owning) home access products. Rentals respond to occasional as well as temporary needs for residential ramps. Except for the screws, each component is reusable; the units are American made.

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  • Natural Pain Control and Your Child’s Health

    Paul Varnas, DC, DACBN, Holistic Chiropractor and Owner, Whole Health America

    Discover how to keep children off medication and antibiotics using natural, drug free ways to control your child’s pain.

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