Free Educational Topics in Chicago
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Democracy Under Duress
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Right-wing populism is rising in many western nations, but here in the US it is beginning to actually threaten our democracy. This presentation points out why this is happening uniquely here in the US: Because the country is becoming a true multi-racial democracy, a transformation that no other country is undergoing. And the US constitution actually empowers the minority that wishes to stop this transition. MORE >
We will discuss why this is happening, and what we need to change in our governmental structures to alleviate this attack on our democracy.And we must address these very thorny issues, starting now. Because the US will become a multi-racial democracy - or it won't be a democracy any more.
Don’t Pay the College Sticker Price!
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
The program will highlight the three key areas of opportunity to reduce the overall cost of a college education. The presentation will focus on strategies to maximize need-based financial aid eligibility, target the right colleges for merit-based financial aid, and exploit tax-saving opportunities.
Why the Student Loan Bubble is Now Your Problem
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
If you thought the student loan bubble was only a Millennial problem, think again! The trillion dollar student loan bubble is bursting. This eye-opening program details the depth of this country’s student loan crisis, how it is spreading beyond the millennial generation, and why it is becoming your problem as well.
Exploring Careers with a Social Impact
Matt Kinnich, CEO, Roland, Ruth & Mitchell
This presentation is for individuals, teams and/or organizations that want to explore careers with a social impact. The presentation is a combination of Matt’s social impact journey and an interactive workshop for participants. Participants will engage in the following: MORE >
• 1-2 things you hope to get out of today’s presentation
• Matt’s social impact career journey
• What are you Passionate about?
• What are your Strengths?
• Passions & Strengths – what’s the intersection?
• How do I explore options & opportunities?
• Individual/Group questions
• What actions am I willing to do next? -
The Medicare Puzzle: Do You Know Your A, B, C, & D’s ?
Tom Kedzie CFP®, MBA, Financial Planner, RetireWell
In this presentation you will learn:
* How Medicare enrollment periods work and how to avoid late penalties.
* What you can expect to pay after going on Medicare.
* What Medicare covers and doesn't cover.
* Why you must plan for higher health care costs in retirement.
* What about Long Term Care? -
Cable Options and Reducing Robocalls
Citizens Utility Board (Illinois), Sustainable Communities Liaison , Citizens Utility Board (CUB)
A presentation about your cable options and reducing robocalls.
During the program, a CUB representative will discuss:
-The different choices in the TV market
-Ways to cut your cable costs
-Streaming services available to consumers
-How to avoid common robocall scams
-Call-blocking services and what they mean for your pocket
-New federal legislation passed helping to reduce robocalls
MORE > -
Our Antiquated Electoral College
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Learn why we elect the US president via the Electoral College, how our Electoral College damages our demcoracy - and what we can do about it.
Making Cents of College Costs
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
For most families college tuition is the largest expense they will face. Unfortunately, many families go into this stage in life uninformed and unprepared. Learn strategies that enable families of all income levels (not just low or moderate‐income) to make a college education more affordable and less of a financial burden.
Career Readiness Before College
Georgia Koch, Community Outreach Coordinator, Career Vision
College planning is not just for college but for career planning as well. Believe it or not, sophomore year of high school is not too early to start. Georgia will show audiences why.
Home Energy Savings Presentation
Citizens Utility Board (Illinois), Sustainable Communities Liaison , Citizens Utility Board (CUB)
Learn about your energy choices and ways to save money on your utility bills.
During this presentation we will go over:
-Understanding your utility bills
-Your energy choices
-Energy efficiency programs that can help consumers save energy and money,
-and Solar options.