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School board disinformation
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Our public school boards are under attack. Responsible school board members are being threatened, and reasonable school policies are being dismantled. We'll help you understand why, who is doing it, and what we can do about it.
Targeting Colleges for Affordability
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
The presentation will focus on strategies to target colleges for merit-based financial aid. Armed with this understanding and knowledge of the college aid process, a college education may become more affordable.
Start Early, Start Smart: How to Choose a Motivating College Major
Georgia Koch, Community Outreach Coordinator, Career Vision
Is it possible for students to identify potential college majors and career directions while still in high school? You bet! Students and parents will learn what they need to know before choosing a college, and how identifying a college major and career direction can build a student's motivation and confidence while reducing college expenses. MORE >
Receive information and resources to guide your student and take the stress out of making these important decisions. This program is for parents and students of high school and college age. -
Making Cents of College Costs
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
For most families college tuition is the largest expense they will face. Unfortunately, many families go into this stage in life uninformed and unprepared. Learn strategies that enable families of all income levels (not just low or moderate‐income) to make a college education more affordable and less of a financial burden.
Long Term Care: Don’t Go Broke!
Tom Kedzie CFP®, MBA, Financial Planner, RetireWell
In this presentation you will learn:
* How to protect your house and income.
* What Medicare and Medicaid cover.
* Types of care: home, assisted living, and nursing home.
* How to pay for long term care without paying annual premiums. -
Building High Performance Teams
Bob Miller, Founder and CEO, PFCC Group
High performance teams don't just happen. They require good leadership and a good operational game plan that includes shared vision, the right people, personal commitment and accountability.
Get It, Check It, Know Who Has Seen It
Chris Heuman, Practice Leader, RISC Management and Consulting, LLC
The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 or HIPAA is a federal law that sets rules about who can view and receive your Protected Health Information or PHI. This law gives you rights over your health information and when it can be shared. MORE >
In addition, HIPAA requires your physicians, pharmacists and other health care providers, and your health plan to explain your rights and how your health information can be used or shared. Most of us believe that our medical and other health information is private and should be protected, and we want to know who has this information.You will learn about historical information, important terminology, sharing health information with family members and friends, and understand your health information privacy as a consumer.
Get it SOLD with Home Staging
GraceAnn Simoni, President & Premier Home Stager, Staging Redesign Group Inc.
Selling your home now or in the future. When you’re ready to put you house on the market will you know where to start? Do you think the Realtor will do everything for you? Does the thought of getting your home ready for the buyer’s critical eye scare you? Are you willing to take a price reduction rather than investing a little into the house? MORE >
Staging a home results in fewer days on the market and a higher selling price. Be one step ahead of the competition. Learn how to stage your home today! Get it ready now before even calling the Realtor!What can be done to get your house ready for little or no money?
From the curb to the back door!
What home Staging is and what it is not.
What are buyers in this market looking for in their new home?
How to shorten the time on the market and get the best offers. -
Understanding Pain Color and Light
GraceAnn Simoni, President & Premier Home Stager, Staging Redesign Group Inc.
Ever choose the perfect paint color only to realize it does not look the same on your walls? Why? Understand more about color, the new light bulbs and how they effect color. Discover how light outside and inside you home effects paint color.
Our Antiquated Electoral College
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Learn why we elect the US president via the Electoral College, how our Electoral College damages our demcoracy - and what we can do about it.