Free Climate Topics in Chicago

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  • How I Became a Climate Advocate.

    Mark Ailes, Climate Advocate, Citizens Climate Education

    My climate story. A brief tour of how as an active bicyclist I became an advocate for national action on climate change. In particular how an effective nonpartisan solution became a large focus of my retired life. Followed by a question and answer session focused on the interests and concerns of the audience about solving the climate problem. (30 minutes to 1 hour) MORE >

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  • What You Eat and How It Affects the Climate Crisis

    Cynthia Linton, Chair, Climate Reality Project: Chicago Metro Chapter

    Diet and food waste are two major drivers of greenhouse gases that cause the planet to warm. Learn the facts about food impacts and have a lively discussion about how you would be willing to change your diet to fight climate changes.

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  • Solutions to Climate Change that benefit you and the Environment

    Dorelle Ackermann, Activist, Pachamama Alliance: Chicagoland Co-Hearts

    Every presentation is created to address the specific interests of your group. This presentation highlights 4 solutions that can benefit individuals while contributing to healing our planet. Food waste is the first solution discussed. One third of the world’s food is never eaten and is responsible for 8 percent of global warming emissions. Learn how you can reduce food waste, save money and at the same time create a more environmentally sustainable future. Reducing meat intake is the second solution. If everyone in the U.S.skipped red meat just one day per week for a year, it would be the equivalent of taking 7.6
    million cars off the road. Did you know that ComEd will give homeowners a free energy assessment, install low flow faucets and LED lights without cost? The third solution highlighted is home energy use. Save money and save the planet! The final solution discussed is transportation. Consider your options when traveling and quick trips to the store. Small behavioral changes can make a difference. Finally, in addition to individual solutions, the presentation will touch on our power to influence companies and government (especially local government) to move us to a more sustainable way of life. MORE >

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  • Yes we Can! We are the solution to climate change.

    Dorelle Ackermann, Activist, Pachamama Alliance: Chicagoland Co-Hearts

    Climate change is an immediate and serious threat that must be addressed this decade. We will briefly touch on the impact of climate change that is evident today as well as the basic science of global warming. However, our main focus will be on the fact that the solutions to climate change are already here. We have the technology to "drawdown" our atmospheric carbon dioxide and prevent catastrophic climate change. MORE >

    The "doom and gloom" scenario often heard on the news is not the reality of sustainability. Instead, we will embrace grounded optimism that recognizes our achievements, acknowledges future uncertainites while remaining hopeful that what we do in the present will shape the future. We will invite participants to consider individual actions to reduce their carbon footprint while inviting participants to join us at a local level to advocate for community, state, national and international action.

    Presentations are individually tailored to your group and we are especially excited to present to youth and school groups where we provide raffle prizes to motivate students to take action.

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