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Investing for the Future: Considerations and Strategies for Any Type of Market
Krzysztof 'Kris' Garlewicz, CFP, CRPS, Founder, LPL Registered Principal at Prosperifi
There's a full court press on how one should invest their hard earned money. Active vs. Passive. Mutual Funds vs. ETFs. Stock, bonds and alternatives too. Is one approach superior to the next? Do they fit together? What's the appropriate blend and where does one begin? These are just some of questions we'll cover in a fast based, ambitious environment covering the strategies and considerations needed for any type of market. MORE >
How the Illinois Foreclosure Process Works
Bryan Sims, President, Sims Law Firm, Ltd.
Bryan presents information on the foreclosure process in Illinois, including typical timelines and what one can expect during a foreclosure action.
How Tax Planning Changes Through Four Stages of Retirement
Ted Buckley, Mooney Lyons Financial Services
Do you know how tax planning changes through different stages of retirement? In retirement, your tax rate may vary widely over the years based on the timing and order in which you use different sources of money to pay for expenses. It is important to apply the tax code in an organized and efficient way. Learn how to create a retirement tax strategy. MORE >
You will learn:
• The critical tax questions to answer before retirement.
• The surprises that often make retirement more expensive.
• The four stages of retirement and important tax actions in each stage, including tricky IRA challenges.
• Mistakes to avoid when it comes to investments, health care, and estate planning. -
Financial Literacy – The Basics
Renee N. Duba, Founder, Sonder Private Wealth Management
We live in a world now where the responsibility for a lifetime of financial well-being rests solely in our own hands. The increasing complexity of the financial choices and decisions we face have exposed a dismal reality: most folks do not have an adequate understanding of the financial principals, behaviors and attitudes that will foster financial well-being. MORE >
In this interactive presentation, we discuss what financial literacy means and why it’s critically important for a life of financial security and enjoyment. Topics include the components of literacy and basic principles upon which attendees can learn to gain control over day to day financial matters, build for retirement, and enjoy the things in life they love today.This is an intro to a series of presentations that include Budget Building, Retirement Planning and Investing. Can be customized for your organization.
Estate Planning: Protecting Yourself and Your Heirs
Gregory Kurinec, CFP®, Certified Financial Planner
Essentials of Estate Planning covers the estate planning process from beginning to end. We will look closely at the need to plan, the most common planning techniques and the documents used in the planning process. The class will explain the difference between a will and a trust and will give attendees an understanding of: MORE >
• Probate
• Wills vs. Trusts
• Power of Attorney for Healthcare & Financial matters
• Guardianship AppointmentsAt the end of this class attendees will have a thorough understanding of what steps they need to take to protect their spouse and heirs.
Estate Planning: Get Your Financial Affairs in Order
Tom Kedzie CFP®, MBA, Financial Planner, RetireWell
In this presentation you will learn:
* How to keep your house out of probate.
* Find out what happens if you don't have a will.
* How to use a revocable living trust.
* Why you need a power of attorney for healthcare and property. -
Disinheriting Uncle Sam – Estate Planning for Illinois Residents
Laurence Kline, Attorney, Hoogendoorn & Talbot LLP
With 40 years of experience, Kline explains how Illinois residents should plan their estates to minimize taxes, avoid probate and dispose of assets.
Back to Basics – 4 Areas to Secure Your Financial Well-Being
Robb Hill, Founder/President, R Hill Enterprises Inc
According to the Social Security Administration: 94% of the Baby-boomers are not prepared for retirement. The sad reality is that retirement is a financial position not an age. Far too many people think of retirement in terms of time however; that is only half of the equation. MORE >
Retirement is time+money and so many people miss the second part “money”. There are many reasons for this bleak statistic however, there is only one solution: EDUCATION! We need your help in sharing with as many people as possible the information that can change this statistic.We offer a series of 4 lectures designed to equip the attendees with enough information to make informed decisions in the areas of Wills & Trusts, Long-Term Care, Safe Alternatives to the Stock Market and Final Expense.
For the highest quality educational lectures in personal finance; the most trusted name in Illinois is R Hill Enterprises, Inc. Prominent organizations such as AARP, Manor Care Corporation, and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees have featured these very lectures and workshops and they have also been presented at many National Credit Unions and Fortune 500 companies.
There are many proven strategies that will aid in keeping more of our assets in our families and away from the government. These lectures are limited to a maximum of 30 participants in order to facilitate interaction between the audience and the speaker(s).
Avoiding Financial Pitfalls
Katie Morris, CFP, Financial Advisor, Veritrust Wealth Management
Learn the most common money mistakes made by intelligent people, and the little known strategies for avoiding them.
Advance Health Care Directives
Beth Kljajic, Financial Advisor , Westpoint Financial MassMutual
The Conversation Project toolkit provides a great starting point to completing an Advance Health Care Directive. We will discuss, interactively, the reasons these instruments are needed, what the goals of them are and that they are dynamic instruments that can be changed as desired. MORE >
I add tools to help this whole conversation become more than just a heavy burden; fun games, books, raffles, TV shows and more liven it up and bring everyone out of their shells.