Renee N. Duba
Founder, Sonder Private Wealth Management
Free Financial Speaker in Chicago
Financial Literacy – The Basics
We live in a world now where the responsibility for a lifetime of financial well-being rests solely in our own hands. The increasing complexity of the financial choices and decisions we face have exposed a dismal reality: most folks do not have an adequate understanding of the financial principals, behaviors and attitudes that will foster financial well-being. MORE >
In this interactive presentation, we discuss what financial literacy means and why it’s critically important for a life of financial security and enjoyment. Topics include the components of literacy and basic principles upon which attendees can learn to gain control over day to day financial matters, build for retirement, and enjoy the things in life they love today.This is an intro to a series of presentations that include Budget Building, Retirement Planning and Investing. Can be customized for your organization.
Reliable Investing: Is It Possible?
Is it possible to build a reliable investment portfolio in today's market environment? This talk discusses what a reliable portfolio is, and how one might change their thought process when it comes to saving and investing.
Planning for Old Age is Fun! Said No One Ever.
"Live fast and hard, die young and have a good looking carcass!" Noel Duba, my father. MORE >
It really does seem as though no one plans for what may happen as they age. If you have ever cared for an aging parent, then you know how important having a plan for aging can be. This fun, somewhat irreverent talk will provide audience members with a complete guide to establishing a plan for aging that will support family and caregivers should the time come. We will cover the legal, financial and other issues that make up the components of a good plan.