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Raising Innovative Children
Stephen A. Di Biase, Ph.D., President, Premier Insights, LLC.
"10 Secrets for Raising Innovative Children" describes what parents can do to help their children build upon their natural tendencies to be innovative while offering a buffer to the potential damage they'll experience when they begin their formal education at age 5. There is significant evidence that from age 5 to age 20 the typical person experiencing the traditional US educational system will lose almost all of their capabilities for being innovative. MORE >
Rising Economic Inequality: how much, why it happens, why it matters, and what we can do about it.
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Economic inequality has been rising in the US for decades, damaging our economy and society in the process. This presentation will discuss how high it has become, why it happens, how it damages our country, and what we can do about it.
School board disinformation
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Our public school boards are under attack. Responsible school board members are being threatened, and reasonable school policies are being dismantled. We'll help you understand why, who is doing it, and what we can do about it.
Start Early, Start Smart: How to Choose a Motivating College Major
Georgia Koch, Community Outreach Coordinator, Career Vision
Is it possible for students to identify potential college majors and career directions while still in high school? You bet! Students and parents will learn what they need to know before choosing a college, and how identifying a college major and career direction can build a student's motivation and confidence while reducing college expenses. MORE >
Receive information and resources to guide your student and take the stress out of making these important decisions. This program is for parents and students of high school and college age. -
Targeting Colleges for Affordability
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
The presentation will focus on strategies to target colleges for merit-based financial aid. Armed with this understanding and knowledge of the college aid process, a college education may become more affordable.
The 3 Biggest Problems with Utility Bills
Kate Shonk, Sustainable Communities Liaison , Citizens Utility Board (CUB)
Most Illinoisans are overpaying for gas and electricity and don’t even know it! In this engaging lecture, I’ll show you how to decode your bills, spot errors, and take advantage of real programs designed to save you money. MORE >
CUB is a non-profit, statewide utility watchdog organization created in 1983 to work for lower gas, electric and telephone rates. CUB has been on your side for 30 years—blocking utility rate hikes, winning consumer refunds and helping to pass important consumer protection laws. Our outreach team has spoken at hundreds of community meetings across Illinois and would love to come to yours.Please note that depending on my availability, another one of our trained outreach staff may take my place as speaker at your meeting, but I will confirm when you contact me.
The Medicare Puzzle: Do You Know Your A, B, C, & D’s ?
Tom Kedzie CFP®, MBA, Financial Planner, RetireWell
In this presentation you will learn:
* How Medicare enrollment periods work and how to avoid late penalties.
* What you can expect to pay after going on Medicare.
* What Medicare covers and doesn't cover.
* Why you must plan for higher health care costs in retirement.
* What about Long Term Care? -
The Shifting Balance: Supreme Court Rulings and Their Impact on American Democracy
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
The US Supreme Court is not just ensuring the laws are applied properly, and that they are constitutional, but the court is enacting policies they think are useful for our country - whether they are based on our constitution or not. MORE >
Presidential Immunity and Accountability: One of the most consequential rulings was the Court's decision on presidential immunity. In a 6-3 judgment, the Court ruled that former President Donald Trump could be tried for actions taken as a candidate, but not for those taken while in office.Federal Regulatory Authority: In another significant ruling, the Court limited the regulatory authority of federal agencies. By overturning a precedent that had guided federal regulations for decades, the Court has made it easier for regulations to be challenged in court.
Gun Control and the Second Amendment: The Supreme Court also made headlines with its decision to send several gun control cases back to lower courts for reconsideration. This move followed a major ruling that expanded Second Amendment rights, allowing for broader interpretations of gun ownership and use.
Implications for American Democracy: These rulings collectively reflect a shift towards a more conservative interpretation of the law. The impact on American democracy is profound; will undoubtedly shape the future of American democracy for years to come.
This presentation details the problems that SCOTUS is causing for our nation, and discusses what we can do about it.
Understanding Pain Color and Light
GraceAnn Simoni, President & Premier Home Stager, Staging Redesign Group Inc.
Ever choose the perfect paint color only to realize it does not look the same on your walls? Why? Understand more about color, the new light bulbs and how they effect color. Discover how light outside and inside you home effects paint color.
Understanding Project 2025
Ed Spire, Co-lead, Restore our Democracy Project, NWSOFA-Indivisible
Project 2025 is a huge document. It's very difficult to consume and understand. This presentation makes details available, but focuses more on HOW they intend to implement these unpopular policies, showing that their methods themselves are a direct attack on our Democracy.