Free Health & Fitness Topics in Chicago

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  • Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

    Lydia Galan, Outreach Coordinator, Pillars Community Health

    A Pillars Community Health staff member can be available to present such topics as “Healthy Teen Relationships,” “Domestic Violence in the Workplace,” and “Smack’d” (separate presentations available for teens and adults).“Smack’d” involves a staff member offering statistics and a survivor sharing his/her personal story; this presentation is regularly provided to hospitals, schools, and churches, among other venues. MORE >

    A Pillars Community Health staff member could also present on sexual violence topics such as “Sexual Health,” “Stop Porn Culture,” “Stalking Awareness,” “Sexual Assault Awareness,” and “Child Abuse Awareness.”
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  • The Microbiome and Autoimmunity; Unlocking Clinical Opportunities for Health.

    Robert Zoboski, DC, DACO, MS, President, Family Chiropractic Care S.C.

    There has been a tsunami of clinical research since the completion of the human genome project in 2001. Did you know that two thirds of the human body consist of bacteria, viruses, fungi, prokaryotes, and archaea? Collectively, these micro-organisms are known as the microbiome. Also coined the "second brain', the gut microbiota communicates with the human host in a symbiotic fashion. Our lifestyles and environment modulate our gut microbiota and can lead to imbalances in its composition resulting in increased intestinal permeability. Uncontrolled intestinal permeability can modulate our immune response, and if left unchecked, can lead to autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease and many others. With modern advances in diagnostic testing, it is now possible to detect antibodies early on in the disease spectrum. Early detection may allow preventative steps that may preempt disease manifestation via precise and precision treatment plans. This 'systems based' approach will fundamentally change the way medicine is delivered in the coming years. This presentation looks at the present status of how we, as "super organisms", have the capability to modify the way our genes express themselves, by changing our lifestyle, and healing our gut. MORE >

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  • If you never ever experience an ache or pain don’t read this!

    Michael J Volpi

    Be your own pain therapist! Myofascial release is a centuries old form of muscle therapy practiced by various therapists and clinicians the world over. Michael offers a method of self treatment using simple household items everyone has. If you've ever used a foam roll at a health club, physical therapy center or chiropractic clinic You're halfway there. MORE >

    Many people have gained the benefits of this simple device but for most of us they're awkward, difficult to use on the floor, or just downright painful to use. This short seminar demonstrates how anyone can experience profound, virtually instantaneous benefits of myofascial muscle release therapy by using these methods a few minutes a day in their home, office, or even their car! Think of how sitting at your computer or being stuck in traffic can actually be theraputic! Really!

    I can truly speak before a group of people and offer no exaggeration, overstatement or fabrication of any kind. Give me ten minutes of your time and I guarantee you'll be convinced.

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  • Senior Living Myths Unmasked

    Andrea Donovan, President, Andrea Donovan Senior Living Advisors

    Having toured more than 450 senior communities, Andrea offers advice about what to look for when searching for alternative living for a senior. Her researched facts will demystify the myths.

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  • Home Access for Everyone

    Lea Ann Skogsberg, Founder, Dollars and Sense

    The number one desire of people as we age is to remain in our own homes. Yet many of us are one mobility impairment away from not even being able to enter or exit our homes. This challenge for society will continue to grow as Baby Boomers age. Most needs are short-term yet most commercial answers require permanent changes to a property making them undesirable to homeowners and impossible for renters. MORE >

    There is a community-based solution to address this growing need to make home accessibility affordable for everyone. If you ever carried anyone into your home for a Holiday meal or experienced even "minor" surgery that affected mobility, you'll know why this is such an important topic.

    Ramps provide access for people with both temporary and long-term mobility issues. Yet while Medicare and Medicaid as well as private insurance programs underwrite the wheelchairs, walkers and assistive devices individuals require for mobility—except in some cases for veterans—there is no standard way to acquire and/or pay for the ramps. This concept, a community-based inventory of modular ramps, seeks to establish a pilot project to demonstrate the value of borrowing (rather than owning) home access products. Rentals respond to occasional as well as temporary needs for residential ramps. Except for the screws, each component is reusable; the units are American made.

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  • Hey, Stop drinking that stuff ! Think about what you drink !

    Jim Rabb, Synergy Science

    Discover why most of the water and beverages we drink can actually have detrimental effects to our health. This eye opening presentation will have you, "thinking about what you're drinking". Once you understand the science behind the liquids we drink daily, you will change the way you look at what you use to hydrate and energize your body with. Learn the simple natural steps that could lead to relief for many health challenges including; Type 2 Diabetes, Acid-Reflux, High-Blood-Presure, Weight-Gain, Elevated Cholesterol, and even Low Energy. MORE >

    Consider the following:
    * 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated
    * 37% mistake thirst for hunger pangs
    * Staying properly hydrated can reduce back and joint pain
    * A lack of water is a leading cause of fatigue

    Your group will hear about the importance of consuming hydrogen enriched water to naturally address many health issues.

    Find out why many well know pro athletes have made this water the water of choice and no longer consume sports drinks, tap and even bottled waters.

    Free samples will be made available to your members.

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  • The Solution to America’s Health Crisis

    Robert Zoboski, DC, DACO, MS, President, Family Chiropractic Care S.C.

    By following an individualized three step approach, patients can realize reduction of cardiovascular risk, increased energy, and a much greater quality of life. This presentation also describes a novel concept of redesigning the system of health care delivery in the United States.

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  • My New Normal: Living with a life altering illness

    Dr. Stuart Pinkwater, Psychosocial Oncology Partners in Health, LLC

    Living with a life altering or life limiting illness takes an emotional toll on everyone connected to the patient. This talk examines the impact of a diagnosis, the treatment and aftercare plans on the social emotional well being of the patient and family.

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  • Natural Pain Control and Your Child’s Health

    Paul Varnas, DC, DACBN, Holistic Chiropractor and Owner, Whole Health America

    Discover how to keep children off medication and antibiotics using natural, drug free ways to control your child’s pain.

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  • Second Act – Seminar for Breast Cancer Survivors

    Pattie Cagney Sheehan, Owner, Second Act Cancer Recovery Boutique

    Pattie talks about early detection, how to do a proper self-breast exam, Medicare and insurance issues, and more. Second Act is Chicago's only accredited cancer recovery boutique.

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