All Topics in Chicago

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  • Yes we Can! We are the solution to climate change.

    Dorelle Ackermann, Activist, Pachamama Alliance: Chicagoland Co-Hearts


    Climate change is an immediate and serious threat that must be addressed this decade. We will briefly touch on the impact of climate change that is evident today as well as the basic science of global warming. However, our main focus will be on the fact that the solutions to climate change are already here. We have the technology to "drawdown" our atmospheric carbon dioxide and prevent catastrophic climate change. MORE >

    The "doom and gloom" scenario often heard on the news is not the reality of sustainability. Instead, we will embrace grounded optimism that recognizes our achievements, acknowledges future uncertainites while remaining hopeful that what we do in the present will shape the future. We will invite participants to consider individual actions to reduce their carbon footprint while inviting participants to join us at a local level to advocate for community, state, national and international action.

    Presentations are individually tailored to your group and we are especially excited to present to youth and school groups where we provide raffle prizes to motivate students to take action.

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  • Solutions to Climate Change that benefit you and the Environment

    Dorelle Ackermann, Activist, Pachamama Alliance: Chicagoland Co-Hearts


    Every presentation is created to address the specific interests of your group. This presentation highlights 4 solutions that can benefit individuals while contributing to healing our planet. Food waste is the first solution discussed. One third of the world’s food is never eaten and is responsible for 8 percent of global warming emissions. Learn how you can reduce food waste, save money and at the same time create a more environmentally sustainable future. Reducing meat intake is the second solution. If everyone in the U.S.skipped red meat just one day per week for a year, it would be the equivalent of taking 7.6
    million cars off the road. Did you know that ComEd will give homeowners a free energy assessment, install low flow faucets and LED lights without cost? The third solution highlighted is home energy use. Save money and save the planet! The final solution discussed is transportation. Consider your options when traveling and quick trips to the store. Small behavioral changes can make a difference. Finally, in addition to individual solutions, the presentation will touch on our power to influence companies and government (especially local government) to move us to a more sustainable way of life. MORE >

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  • Humanity’s Journey Home

    Roger Breisch, Speaker / Provocateur, Dancing With Chaos

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    In his book "Humanity's Journey Home," Roger talks about the future of the species Homo sapiens and our relationship to the biosphere. It is a provocative view and well received by those who are willing to take off rose-colored glasses and examine the perils we face and the paradigms that got us here. The perspective is hopeful in the long term, but realistic in the short term. MORE >

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  • Changing the Course of Human History

    Roger Breisch, Speaker / Provocateur, Dancing With Chaos

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    Neil Postman once said, "Children are the living messages we send to a future we will not see." When we change the life of a young person, we change the course of human history.

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  • A set back, is a set up, for a comeback

    R. Brady Johnson, UUSAF Veteran, Natural Bodybuilding Competitor, Stroke Survivor, Author

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    Brady speaks to people about persevering through their trials and tribulations through his own personal story. Encouraging individuals to not limit themselves and to instill hope and will to all he speaks to. At thirty-one, Brady had a massive stroke that left him paralyzed on the right side of his body. However, he was able to regain mobility on his right side without feeling his right side. Two years after his stroke, Brady participated in his first 5K. He is currently a competitor in Natural Body Building. MORE >

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  • Take Control of Your Parkinson’s Disease Journey

    Rosemary Gerstner, Marketing and Sales Director, Senior Helpers

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Understand the Parkinson's Disease process and learn how to implement a Patient-Centered care approach to PD.

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  • Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia: a Positive and Effective Approach

    Rosemary Gerstner, Marketing and Sales Director, Senior Helpers

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Alzheimer's/Dementia affects both the patient and the caregiver. Learn how to provide care for people living with Dementia with a focus on what they CAN do.

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  • Concussion Roulette

    Anthony Surrusco, D.C., Clinic Director, Clarendon Chiropractic

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Did you know these alarming statistics? 70% of Players Played with Symptoms of Concussions; 40% of Coaches Didn’t Know About the Injury; 33% of Concussions Occur at Practice. A 10 to 30 minute presentation for coaches and parent meeting on the seriousness of concussions and how performance can be affected for athletes.

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  • Autoimmune Recovery Workshop

    Anthony Surrusco, D.C., Clinic Director, Clarendon Chiropractic

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Auto-immune conditions such thyroid disease, leaky gut syndrome, poor digestion, chronic fatigue, diabetes, joint pain, skin rashes, brain fog and mood swings are just a few known conditions that affect millions of people in the United States. The age of thinking that autoimmune conditions are impossible to treat are over! This program will outline how to identify the potential root causes of these conditions and the proper procedures at effectively reversing them. MORE >

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  • Accelerate Your Mojo: 7 Simple Steps to Ignite Intuition, Shake the Fear, and Unleash the Real You

    Allison Sutter, Founder, Living 360, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self-Improvement

    Do you put decisions such as sharing your authentic Self with others, your health, forgiveness, loving yourself fully, or living the way you'd prefer because of fear or doubt? Does it feel too hard to change the way you're living so instead you just settle for an uncomfortable status quo, hoping that ache in your gut, or low-grade stress or anxiety, will just disappear somehow? MORE >

    Do you hide who you really are from the world or worry what others think of you and your choices because rejection is too painful?

    If so, this talk is for you, or your group. Hello. My name is Allison Sutter. I'm the creator of the Accelerate Your Mojo (AYM) formula.

    Accelerate Your Mojo is a simple 7 step formula proven to ignite your intuition so you always know what your next best step is and feel confident making it. It's a unique and sustainable way to swap fear, doubt, and anxiety for ease, clarity, and excitement in life.

    The seven AYM steps are:

    1. Ask ... (for what you want and get it).
    2. Desire ... (is a potent fuel. The force is in you).
    3. Beliefs ... (must be analyzed. They are the fabric of your reality).
    4. Allow ... (in the good stuff you asked for in step one, got all excited about in step two, and went to the trouble of changing your beliefs for in step three).
    5. Focus of Attention ... (is the power that creates your world).
    6. Inspired Action ... (is different from struggle and trying really hard. This action starts within, not without).
    7. Detached Optimism ... (is the paradox of increasing positive manifestations. Focus with intense excitement. Then, let go of what you think needs to happen).

    AYM is a process that dispels the myth that the spiritual you and the physical you are separate, and that only those who have 'spiritual practices', or look, act, and talk a certain way, are allowed to call themselves 'spiritual beings'.

    Being a talk specifically designed to unleash the real you, the 20-30 minute talk highlights on how you can use this idea of being a spiritual being to help to solve everyday problems, repair relationships, increase abundance (in all forms), as well as helping eliminate the mental and emotional discomfort that comes from thinking you are 'less than' or need to have more (time, money, health, happiness, success) in order to be worthy, or feel safe.

    This talk has nothing to do with religion It has everything to do with using the idea of who you are and the resources and knowledge you have at your disposal today (intuition and love) to live a more awakened, empowered, happy life.

    The self-assessment questions below are a prerequisite to booking this talk. Please ask potential audience members for this talk to answer yes or no to the following questions. If you answer yes to any of the follow statements, the AYM talk can help provide sustainable solutions and jumpstart your desired AYM transformations (listed below).

    1. I want to get to the root cause of my emotional discomfort.
    2. I struggle to make decisions because I worry I'm not making the right choice.
    3. It feels as if fear and doubt are stopping me from having the awesome experiences I want in life.
    4. Sometimes I say, "I feel stuck," or "It feels like something keeps getting in the way of success."
    5. I experience strong thoughts of self-doubt, anxiety, or unworthiness.
    6. I can't seem to figure out why what I asked for in life isn't showing up.
    7. I often think, "Why does that keep happening to me? I'm a kind, positive person."
    8. I keep some aspect of myself hidden from others because I worry I won't be accepted as I truly am.
    9. The unknown aspect of new experiences, and even my future success, makes my uncomfortable.
    10. I experience skepticism or emotional discomfort even when things are going great in life.
    11. I desire a more in-depth conversation about how I create my own reality as both a physically and non-physically (spiritual) being.
    12. I want to uncover why problems and challenges (which Allison refers to as contrast) are a necessary aspect of life and foster appreciation for them.
    13. I want to learn how to use both positive and negative feelings as a diagnostic tool for empowered, happy living.
    14. I tend to put the needs of others before my own and experience resentment, disappointment, frustration, or anger because of it.
    15. I want to be a good person and help others, but sometimes I feel depleted in the process.

    The transformations from implementing the AYM process are:

    1. Clearly understand the root cause of your emotional discomfort and free yourself from its burden.
    2. Always know what your next best step is in any situation and confidently take inspired action.
    3. Use fear, doubt, and anxiety, as well as positive emotions, as the guidance they're designed to be. You'll uncover restricting beliefs and definitions of yourself and life, and rescript them ensuring more ease and appreciation.
    4. Experience daily thrill bumps of self-love, self-appreciation, and witness how life is always working out for you.
    5. Be comfortable in your skin and enjoy the good things in life, fully and unapologetically.
    6. Practice your way back to centered stability; uncork your natural vim and vigor for life.
    7. Clarify your true spiritual nature, embracing this aspect of yourself as your most cherished, trusted, and dependable relationship.
    8. Fully understand why contrast (problems and challenges) are a necessary part of life and how to use contrast as a diagnostic tool for positive transformations, instead of a reason to feel victimized, depressed, angry, or jealous.
    9. Learn to be selfish in a healthy way, benefitting both yourself and those you connect with daily. Own and honor the idea that wen you're depleted mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, you can't truly help others anyway.

    Please note: My speaking events are online only.

    Please note: I'm not a motivational speaker; I'm an educator who teaches her students to be more in alignment with who they really are and to transform fear and anxiety into something better, every time they show up. This talk is designed for individuals who are already up to speed with the idea that we are spiritual creatures having a physical experience. It works best when the audience has a preexisting belief in infinite intelligence and that we are Source connected beings.

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