Free Motivational Topics in Chicago

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  • A set back, is a set up, for a comeback

    R. Brady Johnson, UUSAF Veteran, Natural Bodybuilding Competitor, Stroke Survivor, Author

    Brady speaks to people about persevering through their trials and tribulations through his own personal story. Encouraging individuals to not limit themselves and to instill hope and will to all he speaks to. At thirty-one, Brady had a massive stroke that left him paralyzed on the right side of his body. However, he was able to regain mobility on his right side without feeling his right side. Two years after his stroke, Brady participated in his first 5K. He is currently a competitor in Natural Body Building. MORE >

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  • Awaken: How to Motivate the Unmotivated

    Susan Neustrom, Ed.D., Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker, Educator, Leading to Action

    Are you struggling with trying to motivate and inspire your team, employees, clients, or even yourself? Encouraging an unmotivated individual is a challenge and regardless of the reward, nothing seems to work. Based on years of experience working with challenging populations - jail inmates, the homeless, people living with developmental disabilities, Dr.Susan Neustrom teaches you how to motivate and inspire even the most unmotivated by sharing five new ideas for awakening, igniting, and maintaining self-motivation for long term success. MORE >

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  • Best Mom Ever!!

    Tracie Main, Author, Speaker, Actress & Momma

    'Where Moms Become Best Moms'
    Invite Tracie to speak to your mom's group! In this seriously funny and heart-warming mom'o'logue, Tracie shares her real-life journey of embarking on her Best Mom Quest in pursuit of the Best Mom. After turning from glamourous actress to a struggling stay-at-home mom on the block, Tracie decided she wanted to rise above and become the best mom for her family. She's excited to share all she's learned on her journey, so every mom can achieve Best Mom Success! MORE >

    -The true meaning of Best Mom
    -5 Habits of the Best Mom
    -How to avoid the dreaded 'Beast'Mom
    -Mommy’s Magic Words
    -Plus, so much more!!

    Great for all kinds of mom events!

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  • Courage Is The Master of Fear

    Cherise N Ragland, Producer, Actress, Public Speaker, Author

    Cherise Nicole speaks from a Chapter in her book "You Can Soar" on Courage Being The Master of Fear. Sometimes life's blows damage people's confidence and leave them with a broken or bruised wing? How can one soar when they've been broken on the inside? Cherise will motivate people to move out of their comfort zone and extinguish the excuses and lies that cripple people from moving forward in life. She motivates listeners to action! MORE >

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  • Emotions Can Be A Trusted Guide and Helpful Friend

    Laura Lewis-Barr, Founder, Training 4 Breakthroughs

    Emotions are a form of intelligence that is 80K times faster than the “higher thinking” rational brain. Learning to understand and manage our emotions means that we can utilize this form of intelligence to make better decisions, and manage our work and relationships so that we are happier, healthier, and more productive. Learn scientifically proven ways to manage your emotions and how to better understand their power and purpose. MORE >

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  • Get your “BUT” out of the way!

    Robb Hill, Founder/President, R Hill Enterprises Inc

    We all have those awesome thoughts dripping with possibility, we get a smile on our face and consider how nice it would be then, out of nowhere comes "BUT". The whole show stops when the "BUT" gets in the way. The thinking then turns to all the reasons why we "CAN'T" realize the vision that we were given. We must not let what we can't do get in the way of what we can do. For me this has made all the difference. There was a time in my life when it seemed that failure was following me around however, that was not the case, you see; I was following failure around. I was being mis-informed by mis-informed people. This realization has made all the difference in my life. MORE >


    I spent a lot of time in bad company;

    I thought it was with friends, but they were robbing me;

    By choice so many times I let them, steal my day;

    I was robbing them too, in exactly the same way;

    As I’ve grown older with the passage of time;

    And the ladder of success, I started to climb;

    And oh how I wanted my friends to go;

    In the midst of their comfort, to life they said no;

    I started reading books, I found myself inside the zone;

    Anything worthwhile is never accomplished alone;

    This statement spoke volumes and resonated in my head;

    For in order to lead, you must first be led;

    With the law of association at the forefront of my mind,

    My past associations, I had to leave them all behind;

    To seek out those that shared my desire;

    For achievement in life that was several levels higher;

    For life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages;

    A simple fact that I learned, cause I kept turning pages;

    As I write these words, to the past that I look;

    My very first mentor was in the form of a book;

    His name is David Schwartz and doctor is his gig;

    He spoke to me through the pages of, The Magic of Thinking Big.

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  • Keeping the main thing, the main thing

    R. Brady Johnson, UUSAF Veteran, Natural Bodybuilding Competitor, Stroke Survivor, Author

    Growing up as a youth, my mother was a college educator, and my father was the President of the 2nd largest School Board in Illinois.I played football and Baseball, and sung for The Pepsi Generation Singer. I began to struggle with my grades, and my mother said that I needed to "keep the main thing, the main thing". She suggested that I use, what she said as the three F's, and yes,I thought of one. The three F's, Focus, Fun, and Friends,and I have used them through life. I am a successful, retired member of the USAF, I have been a sports agent, working with 22 NFL players, a motivational speaker, and now I am a Natural Bodybuilding. I have held on to "Keeping the main thing the main thing", and the three F's!!! MORE >

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  • Levels & Stages of Success

    Robb Hill, Founder/President, R Hill Enterprises Inc

    Life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages, at every new level you come to there is a stage that you must go through or you will remain where you are currently. The different levels in life are easy to see however, comfort and fear keep us from venturing out of our comfort zone. For me that comfort zone was drugs and alcohol. For 18 years that was my focus. Along with this line of thinking came consequences. You see, "we pay the highest price for the lowest level of living,". My eyes were opened March 1, 1993. I realized that I was so much more than what I had become. I quit using drugs and alcohol which left a void in my life. There was a "missing piece" that I had to find. The rest of the story will be continued at the meeting/event. MORE >

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  • My Plastic Surgery Experience, A TALE OF TRAUMA UNFOLD!

    Quanna Brown, Speak up Somebody Listening

    Join me for an insightful session of storytime and Q&A, where I will bravely share my personal journey through a traumatic plastic surgery experience. This event promises to be both enlightening and engaging, offering a unique opportunity to learn from my story and engage in thoughtful dialogue. Your presence would be greatly appreciated as we explore the complexities and lessons that arise from such experiences. MORE >

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  • No Impossible

    Hajer Rikabi, President and Founder, Thrive Coaching CORP

    There is nothing called I can't, we all have different and unique powers within us. If we can create a small chance to know ourselves better, we would see that power clearly like a full moon in a clear night. Then we can make it the source of our future's achievements. In fact every achievement in our lives is from that invisible power. And without a doubt knowing it and learn how to use this power will have a successful impact in our lives. MORE >

    For instance let me ask you:
    How many times you were surprised by the action you took and thought for a moment that nothing is impossible? I guarantee for you that you had a few if not many. Because It is the power of trying to live and staying safe, and you can change that perspective to make a better life and your dreams to come true.

    *Example of powerful decisions:

    -Taking a risk because it's the best though right now to your best knowledge, even though it may have consequences.
    -A decision you took that you have never thought about but the urge of staying safe or forbidding a harm to you or your beloved ones.

    BIG Q : Why when it comes to a good decision to make your life better you hesitate?
    This possible decision doesn't have to be for urgency or just to survive. Instead think of it like it might be your only decision you have to make to be the person you wish to be in your mind and dreams.

    For me It took me 24 hours to take the decision that turned my life 360 degree.
    When was my first thought about this decision? At 12:00 AM believe it or not.
    Searched about this idea I had and asked myself what do I have to make it work, honestly I thought I had nothing.
    But I know I learn fast and I'm willing to make it work.
    And I did it I was a completely different person.From house wife and people pleaser to self love and I'm working to create a new awareness in my community and nation to enjoy my life and to leave wiser generation behind me.

    Ask yourself: What's stopping me from being the person that I want to be?
    What I want to add to this world? and if so,
    What are my possibilities?
    Cause you have some...............

    لايوجد شي اسمه لا استطيع, كلنا نملك قوى مختلفةوفريدة من نوعها موجودة بداخلنا.
    لو استطعنا خلق فرصة صغيرة لنتعرف بها على انفسنا بطريقة افضل , فقط حينها نستطيع ان نرى القوة الداخلية خاصتنا بوضوح كما يرى القمر في ليلة صافية.
    ومن هنا نستطيع ان نجعل هذه القوة مصدرا للنجاح . وفي الواقع كل نجاح في حياتنا كبير كان ام صغير هو من هذه القوة الخفية. ومن دون شك معرفتها والتعلم كيفية استخدامها سيؤدي الى تاثير ناجح في حياتنا.

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