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Making Cents of College Costs
Joseph Orsolini, President, College Aid Planners, Inc.
For most families college tuition is the largest expense they will face. Unfortunately, many families go into this stage in life uninformed and unprepared. Learn strategies that enable families of all income levels (not just low or moderate‐income) to make a college education more affordable and less of a financial burden.
Start Early, Start Smart: How to Choose a Motivating College Major
Georgia Koch, Community Outreach Coordinator, Career Vision
Is it possible for students to identify potential college majors and career directions while still in high school? You bet! Students and parents will learn what they need to know before choosing a college, and how identifying a college major and career direction can build a student's motivation and confidence while reducing college expenses. MORE >
Receive information and resources to guide your student and take the stress out of making these important decisions. This program is for parents and students of high school and college age. -
The Medicare Puzzle: Do You Know Your A, B, C, & D’s ?
Tom Kedzie CFP®, MBA, Financial Planner, RetireWell
In this presentation you will learn:
* How Medicare enrollment periods work and how to avoid late penalties.
* What you can expect to pay after going on Medicare.
* What Medicare covers and doesn't cover.
* Why you must plan for higher health care costs in retirement.
* What about Long Term Care? -
Long Term Care: Don’t Go Broke!
Tom Kedzie CFP®, MBA, Financial Planner, RetireWell
In this presentation you will learn:
* How to protect your house and income.
* What Medicare and Medicaid cover.
* Types of care: home, assisted living, and nursing home.
* How to pay for long term care without paying annual premiums. -
Exploring Careers with a Social Impact
Matt Kinnich, CEO, Roland, Ruth & Mitchell
This presentation is for individuals, teams and/or organizations that want to explore careers with a social impact. The presentation is a combination of Matt’s social impact journey and an interactive workshop for participants. Participants will engage in the following: MORE >
• 1-2 things you hope to get out of today’s presentation
• Matt’s social impact career journey
• What are you Passionate about?
• What are your Strengths?
• Passions & Strengths – what’s the intersection?
• How do I explore options & opportunities?
• Individual/Group questions
• What actions am I willing to do next? -
Demonstrating and Teaching Mental Math Methods
Cliff Petrak, Retired Teacher, Brother Rice High School
Learn to master a multitude of little-known, super-shortcut computational methods involving addition, subtraction, fractions, squaring and multiplication. Unfortunately, our country consistently finishes among the bottom third of industrialized countries in the annual mental math competition for students. Learning these strategies and methods will leave your calculator-dependent friends in the dust!
Planning for Old Age is Fun! Said No One Ever.
Renee N. Duba, Founder, Sonder Private Wealth Management
"Live fast and hard, die young and have a good looking carcass!" Noel Duba, my father. MORE >
It really does seem as though no one plans for what may happen as they age. If you have ever cared for an aging parent, then you know how important having a plan for aging can be. This fun, somewhat irreverent talk will provide audience members with a complete guide to establishing a plan for aging that will support family and caregivers should the time come. We will cover the legal, financial and other issues that make up the components of a good plan. -
Raising Innovative Children
Stephen A. Di Biase, Ph.D., President, Premier Insights, LLC.
"10 Secrets for Raising Innovative Children" describes what parents can do to help their children build upon their natural tendencies to be innovative while offering a buffer to the potential damage they'll experience when they begin their formal education at age 5. There is significant evidence that from age 5 to age 20 the typical person experiencing the traditional US educational system will lose almost all of their capabilities for being innovative. MORE >
Get It, Check It, Know Who Has Seen It
Chris Heuman, Practice Leader, RISC Management and Consulting, LLC
The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 or HIPAA is a federal law that sets rules about who can view and receive your Protected Health Information or PHI. This law gives you rights over your health information and when it can be shared. MORE >
In addition, HIPAA requires your physicians, pharmacists and other health care providers, and your health plan to explain your rights and how your health information can be used or shared. Most of us believe that our medical and other health information is private and should be protected, and we want to know who has this information.You will learn about historical information, important terminology, sharing health information with family members and friends, and understand your health information privacy as a consumer.
On the Trail of the Ancient Ones
Terry Poppleton
Join Terry as he takes you on a journey to another place and another time. The place is the Four Corners region of the U.S. and the time is a thousand years ago. On this journey we will visit such storied places as Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Hovenweep. Discover how this remarkable culture flourished, changed, and survived in the challenging environment of the American Southwest. MORE >
During the presentation, he will answer the following questions:Who were the Anasazi “Ancient Ones”?
Why was their culture remarkable?
How did this culture change?
Why did they leave the Four Corners area?The presentation takes approximately 30-45 minutes. I will need a computer projector and screen.