Free COVID-19 Topics in Chicago
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A Boomer’s Survival Guide in the post Coronavirus Era
Terry Nugent, Partner, AlphasNext, LLC
In the aftermath of the virtually unprecedented Coronavirus pandemic, how should the Baby Boomer manage the financial challenges posed by the virus crisis? In this session, you will lean: MORE >
- What to do (and not do) in volatile markets
- How to manage income and expenses
- How retired, semi-retired, independent contractors, W-2 employees, and business owners can develop coping strategies tailored to their situations. -
The Science of Happiness: Positive Psychology in the Age of COVID-19
Michael Bromberg, M.A., Speaker, Actor, Psychology Enthusiast
Much of psychology looks at what is wrong with the world: research for disorders will examine those that have the disorder. What if we looked at those that don't have the disorder and ask, "What are they doing right?" This fascinating field looks at how we can improve ourselves by examining those of us who are above average, so that we can help those that are going through the rough patches of life. MORE >
The field gives compelling, scientific proof on how we should change our mindset to promote self-improvement, overcoming disorder, and achieving our goals. Every time I have given this presentation I have people coming up to me requesting more info as it makes us expand our way of thinking psychologically! This is appropriate for all ages. -
Mindfulness, Meditation and COVID-19: How to Navigate Through Stress and Uncertainty and Move Toward Inner Peace
Jacqueline McCarty, Owner Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, Om At Work
In this experiential talk you will learn daily practices that build awareness, create resilience, and empower you to live from the place of center. Learn simple tools that positively affect your mind and body creating a stronger sense of focus and peace.