Where Are You Growing? Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? Your mindset determines your behavior and thoughts leading to your success, your performance and your impact on staff, co-workers, family, and friends. There are two mindsets, fixed and growth. If you have a fixed mindset you believe abilities and intelligence are determined early in life. Therefore, challenges and failure only serve to support your belief. In contrast, if you have a growth mindset you view challenges and obstacles as opportunities to develop skills and continue growing and learning. Most individuals exhibit a combination of a fixed and growth mindset but intentionally cultivating a growth mindset results in enhanced resilience, increased accomplishments and expanded potential. In an organization, a growth mindset leader creates a culture of innovation, risk-taking, teamwork, and trust enabling others to adopt a growth mindset.

In this interactive session, Dr. Susan Neustrom explores how mindsets are formed and the dynamics and strategies involved in shifting mindset to optimize positive impact both personally and professionally. Using the theoretical framework of mindset, grit, and mental contrasting this session will engage participants in a new approach to decision-making, problem solving, teaching, and learning.

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