Tim Campbell
CEO, VaporBeast.com
Free Business Speaker in Chicago
E-Commerce Success – Beyond The Technology!
There are literally millions of websites and e-commerce companies that flood the web. Most fail, however some have enormous success. Find out how Tim Campbell, partners, and team built VaporBeast.com to be one of the fastest growing e-commerce companies in the United States in less than five years. MORE >
Tim Campbell is the Founder and CEO of VaporBeast.com. He started the company with a single product he invented, and today his company develops and distributes over 2,500 items in the dynamically growing e-cigarette industry. Find out how Tim and team built a leading brand that now ships over 15,000+ items a day to consumers and brick and mortar retailers throughout the United States.As much as technology, SEO, and a robust web platform have contributed...Tim attributes his company's success to other factors such as integrity, service, culture, passion and market timing! This is an inspirational story that shows that the American Dream is still alive and well!
Start Up Success!
Starting a business requires vision, commitment, and a leap of faith. Find out how Tim Campbell and his partners built one of the fastest growing e-commerce and wholesale distribution businesses in the United States in less than five years. MORE >
After a successful career in Publishing and multi-media, Tim started VaporBeast.com out of his home, and today his company ships 15,000+ items a day. Find out how market timing combined with vision, strategy, and an amazing culture...catapulted VaporBeast to the lead position in the very fast growing e-cigarette industry.
"Vapor Beast is the best! Never before have I had such great customer service. They offer top quality products, super fast shipping and superior customer service. Tim is more than happy to answer your questions and help you." –PHILLIP H.
"Tim's customer service can be defined as excellence in it's purest form. Not many companies left with the kind service that makes you feel like you're the only customer they are dealing with. I have three sites I use for my vaping needs and VaporBeast is #1!"
–DAG N.Phillip H.