Matt Kinnich
CEO, Roland, Ruth & Mitchell
Free Educational Speaker in Chicago
Exploring Careers with a Social Impact
This presentation is for individuals, teams and/or organizations that want to explore careers with a social impact. The presentation is a combination of Matt’s social impact journey and an interactive workshop for participants. Participants will engage in the following: MORE >
• 1-2 things you hope to get out of today’s presentation
• Matt’s social impact career journey
• What are you Passionate about?
• What are your Strengths?
• Passions & Strengths – what’s the intersection?
• How do I explore options & opportunities?
• Individual/Group questions
• What actions am I willing to do next? -
The 60-minute Strategic Plan
Technically, there is no such thing as a 60-minute strategic plan, but this session will provide the foundation, framework and next steps of building out your personal, team or organization’s strategies and plan. Participants will engage in the following: MORE >
• Overview of Strategic Framework
• What are your goals?
• What is your purpose?
• What does your environment look like?
• What are my options?
• What options are best?
• Individual/Group questions
• What actions am I willing to do next?