8 Ways to Turn Your Service Into a Product

Service companies have been among the worst hit by this pandemic. Consumers and businesses have drastically cut their expenditures on services to conserve cash and avoid human contact. However, we’re still buying products that meet an immediate need:

• Instead of buying open-ended consulting services, we’re buying specific online training products (contributing to the rise of Zoom shares, which have doubled since January)
• Instead of hiring personal training services, we’re buying products that allow us to stay fit at home (in March, Italians bought 236% more home gym equipment from Amazon than they did during the same period last year)
• Instead of enjoying a fantastic dining experience, we’re buying alcohol to take the edge off (the sale of spirits, like Vodka, are up 75% from the same period last year)

To capitalize on this flight to purchase products that meet an immediate need, service providers need to “productize their service,” which is the topic of of this presentation/webinar.

Sign up for this, and you will:

• Discover 3 reasons service companies are getting hit hard now
• Learn the surprising secret Harvard Professor Theodore Levitt taught his students about why we buy
• See how 9 service businesses transformed themselves into product companies
• Get the 8-step formula for productizing your service

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